Whew! We’re finally open! But it’s been a long road here, and we’re thrilled to finally see months of planning, hard work, and labor finally come to fruition!
All of this started when Amanda (one of our co-founders) came back from her 2nd Army deployment back in late 2014, and she longed to do something different. From there, we decided it was time to stop dreaming and just take the dive. One of the biggest challenges initially was planning everything between all of the family having full time jobs and being scattered in different locations – but we made it work!
We picked our space in December 2014, and waited for the build out to be complete until about mid-April. Once we acquired the space, we got right to work getting everything ready. Alex custom made the fusti shelves and worked on furnishings and store layout, while Amanda worked on the network and security as well as marketing. Not long after, we opened our doors to the public!
We are so delighted to be open and bring the area quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar. We’ll be celebrating our grand opening shortly, so stay tuned!