
What makes good olive oil? Part 1: Fresh Fruit By Cam

When you shop for produce at the grocery store or farmers market, what are you looking for when selecting fruit and vegetables? If you’re like us, you look for brightly colored, ripe, and firm fruits and vegetables. You probably balk at the sight of vegetables and fruit “turning”, or even worse, rotting. Now what if I told you this is exactly what we do at the olive groves we get our olive oil from?Now you’re probably thinking –“Of course, why would you make olive oils out of rotting or old fruit?” Well, what we’re about to tell you might surprise...

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The Road to Opening

Whew! We’re finally open! But it’s been a long road here, and we’re thrilled to finally see months of planning, hard work, and labor finally come to fruition! All of this started when Amanda (one of our co-founders) came back from her 2nd Army deployment back in late 2014, and she longed to do something different. From there, we decided it was time to stop dreaming and just take the dive. One of the biggest challenges initially was planning everything between all of the family having full time jobs and being scattered in different locations – but we made it...

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